Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Better person

I have to admit that I'm not that holy type of person. Yes, im still trying my best to pray 5 times a day. I have to say that sometimes I can be little bit hanyut. Orang muda lah katakan. My biggest challenge is to perform Subuh! Tidur lambat maka susahlah nak bangun awal. Teruk perangai! Above my conversation with someone. Was too lazy to wake up and tadaaaa! Kena paksa. Well paksa in a good way I must say. And, below that, a very good advice from someone how important we as Muslim need to perform our prayers. 

Ok, this one screen capture about father and daughter (can't really tell). I was kinda down and mad. So, I shared my sad story with someone. And this is what someone told me. Simple but meaningful. InsyaAllah, ill try to be a better daughter and muslimah. Pray for me ya? ;)

Sesi mengedik sebentar; 
Anyways, thanks to someone for willing to hear my problem(s) and give the best and meaningful advice evah! You're too kind. And saya sangatlah hormat awak sebab awak sembahyang cukup 5 waktu walaupun jadual harian padat! Siap sempat mengaji lagi. Kagum!  (ok tamat sudah sesi mengedik!)

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